GW2-Rollenspiel und ein Lore-Interview mit ArenaNet

  • Die Umfrage ist zuende, die Fragen wurden demokratisch ausgewählt. Es ist nicht fair, jetzt die gewählten Fragen zu kritisieren und sich über sie zu erheben. Hört damit auf, das macht doch keinen Spaß für niemanden. :neutral_face:

    DANKE! Genau das denke ich schon die ganze Zeit!

    Wieso sollte ich die Maske abnehmen? Ich habe nichts zu verbergen. Nichts, das unter die Maske passen würde. - Ensia Aurelia

  • Ich finde das Teilen von Erkenntnissen und das Diskutieren über Aussagen und/oder Auslegungen sehr wertvoll - und wenn es eine Frage noch zielführend beeinflussen kann, umso schöner! (Und wenn nicht: Was soll's. :winking_face:)

  • Ich finde das Teilen von Erkenntnissen und das Diskutieren über Aussagen und/oder Auslegungen sehr wertvoll - und wenn es eine Frage noch zielführend beeinflussen kann, umso schöner! (Und wenn nicht: Was soll's. :winking_face:)

    Also quasi: "Mir ist das völlig latte was ihr sagt, ich mach einfach so weiter wie bisher."

    Das ist mit Abstand das gehässigste und unfreundlichste Verhalten seit langem hier im Forum.

    Aber.. "Was solls!" :winking_face:


  • "Ich mach hier mal zu". Das hat man früher oft in gutdeutschen Foren gelesen.

    Wäre zwar schade, den Thread für alle zu schließen, aber wenn es immer wieder um "Wir haben einen Fragenslot verschwendet!" geht, dann ist das hier wieder so ein Hochschaukel-Thread. In allen Gruppenchats wird sich über den Verlauf lustig gemacht, während die Strumpfhosengladiatoren todesmutig in den Diskussionsring um Fragenslots steigen.

    Daher wäre es eine Idee, den Thread vorerst zu schließen und die Community hier erst einmal nur durch Modposts auf dem Laufenden zu halten, wie es mit den Fragen und ihren Antworten aussieht. Die Frist zum Wählen der und Austausch über die Fragen ist rum.

    Für etwaige Diskussionen über deren vermeintliche Antworten gibt es doch auch noch ausgelagerte Unterforen oder Threads, wie der hier: Allgemeine Fragerunde zum Kanon

    Das klammert für mehr oder minder engagierte Mitleser die ermüdende Textflut über "vergeudete" Slots aus.

  • Mensch, da hat es mir aber ganz schön in den Fingern gejuckt, dass ich nach all den Jahren mich mal wieder melde. Ich wollte nur mitteilen, dass ihr einen Fragen-Slot wohl verbrannt habt. Die Frage, was die Charr nämlich derzeit treiben wird im Großen und Ganzen in SotO beantwortet: Es werden die Wahlen für einen neuen Khan-Ur vorbereitet. Das ist auch der IG-Grund, warum Rytlock und Crecia uns in dieser Erweiterung nicht begleiten. Der Ausschluss der anderen Gefahren ist ja bekanntlich loretechnisch bestätigt. Einzig die Handhabe mit den Ascalon-Geistern ist nicht gänzlich geklärt.

    Du meinst also, dass ALLE Charr in ganz Ascalon, jetzt groß anfangen, die Wahl des Khan-Ur zu vorzubereiten? Die fangen alle an, die Feste, die es dafür bestimmt geben wird zu gestalten und keiner rennt mehr in Ascalon rum? Der Brand ist nun plötzlich leer? Was macht denn nun ein Khrag Eisenschild in der Zitadelle? Girlanden aufhängen? Sind da noch Oger / Harpien / Wurm / Schaufler Plagen? Was macht ein Rhan Eisenpelz? Arbeitet der grade an einer Konfetti-Kanone, die er ggf. sogar mit seinem Arm abfeuern kann?

    Entschuldige, aber ich finde das unter aller (Konfetti)Kanone, dass versucht wird, Fragen zu verbannen, diese auszureden oder sonstwas. Das war die einzige Frage, die zu den Charr aufkam. Und eine genaue Antwort, was die Charr denn nun machen hast du nämlich nicht. Außer, dass die ne Feier vorbereiten. Da werden die nun alle Kapazitäten drauf ansetzen, oder was? Alle Trupps backen Kuchen und hängen Girlanden auf. Hättest ja selbst ne Frage einschicken können. Vielleicht hättest du meine dann ausbooten können.

    Aber RP interessiert dich doch eh nicht mehr. Denn dann hättest du dir nämlich wirklich Gedanken machen müssen, was Khrag nun in der Zitadelle schönes macht. Und da hätte dir ein "Er bereitet ein Fest vor" nämlich nicht geholfen. Seit Release sind nach und nach alle Gefahren für die Zitadelle weggefallen, vor allem bei der Eisbrut-Saga. Ein Nicht-RPler hat da leicht reden. Aber was machen die Leute die IC der Zitadelle dienen? Darauf hast du nämlich auch keine Antwort.


    Warum keiner von den alten Freunden im Soto auftauchen, höchstens über den Funkkanal sollte wohl recht eindeutig sein. Alles was am Horn von Maguuma abgeht, ist Top Secret und niemand weiß davon und niemand soll davon wissen. Hervorzutun, dass Rytlock und Crecia nicht dabei sind, weil die ja so obviously die Wahlen vorbereiten ist ein Strohmann, da die auch nicht dabei wären, wenn die das nicht tun würden.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Van (20. September 2023 um 04:45)

  • Seid so lieb und hetzt euch nicht an einem Thema auf, das im Kern sowieso schon abgeschlossen ist - die Fragen habe ich übrigens vorgestern abgeschickt :smiling_face:

    Ich habe im Laufe der letzten Wochen auch von vielen, vielen Leuten privat gesagt bekommen, wie doof sie doch Frage X finden und wie unnötig Frage Y für ihr Rollenspiel sei - wie egoistisch Frage Z doch ist.
    Ich sehe es so, dass auch "egoistische" Fragen (also jene, die mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit nur dem Rollenspiel um den eigenen Charakter etwas bringen) ihre Daseinsberechtigung haben, denn durch die Abstimmung kann jeder frei für sich selbst entscheiden, welche Fragen denn nun interessant oder weniger bedeutungsvoll für das eigene Gusto sind.
    Ich muss auch oft lächeln, wenn gesagt wird, dass irgendeine Frage ja völlig uninteressant sei. Das kann ja so auch nicht stimmen, denn wenigstens der Ersteller bzw. die Erstellerin der Frage wird da ein gewisses Interesse an einer offiziellen Antwort haben. Wenn sich das nicht mit dem persönlichen Interesse deckt, ist das schade, ja, aber deswegen sollte man der Frage kein allgemeines Desinteresse zusprechen.

    Hier übrigens meine beiden Fragen, die ich an ArenaNet geschickt habe:

    • How has the Ritualist profession evolved over the last 250 years? Do they still use ashes, can they still enchant weapons and armor or has the profession moved away from these practices? Do they have some new spells at their disposal?
    • What happens to a Sylvari in the Underworld? Do they move on to the Dream of Dreams (can they maybe even be reborn from there?), do they move on to an afterlife specific to their race or is this dependend on the beliefs they held in life?



  • Guten Morgen.

    Ich find es einfach nur traurig was hier wieder abgeht... müssen solche Tiefschläge immer sein? Muss man immer das letzte Wort haben? Dieses abwerten von anderen Meinungen als "zweitrangig " ist absolut erbärmlich. Die Fragen wurden gestellt und per MEHRHEIT entschieden. Ich persönlich mag vielleicht auch keinen Wert in der ein oder anderen Frage sehen, aber das ist irrelevant, weil die Mehrheit der abgegebenen Stimmen jetzt so entschieden hat. (Danke übrigens Vetkin für deine erste Frage, bin am meisten gespannt auf die Antwort)

    Und was mir hier auch besonders auffällt ist wie "Kritik" geäußert wird...das ist keine Kritik mehr. Das ist einfach nur Arroganz gepaart mit Sätzen die absolut unangebracht sind. Dazu kommen gewisse Formulierung und diese Smileys...

    Die Idee von Border halte ich für das beste. Macht das Ding hier einfach zu!

  • Manche Leute haben halt schlicht auch nicht den Weitblick um den Mehrwehrt einer Frage zu verstehen.

    Selbst wenn die eigentliche Frage für einen nicht von belang ist, kann die Antwort Informationen enthalten, die auf irgend eine Art und Weise das eigene RP beeinflussen kann oder vielleicht auch eines anstoßen.

    Abgesehen davon ist es niemandes persönliches Interview sondern das der Community. Fragen wurden angeboten, es wurde gevoted und damit hat sich das ganze. Jeder hatte die Möglichkeit Fragen anzubieten und abzustimmen. Das wurde getan und jetzt bekommen wir hoffentlich Antworten zu Themen, die viele Leute hier interessieren.

    Deal with it.

  • Uuuund hier sind die Antworten - viel Spaß beim Durchlesen und danke an der Stelle nochmal für die rege Teilnahme! :red_heart:

    Danke vor allem auch an Bobby Stein und Justin Fassino für das Ermöglichen des Interviews sowie Indigo Linde, Matthew Medina, David Wilson, Joe Kimmes, Andrew Gray und Alex Kain für das Beantworten der Fragen.


    Hello Mr. Fassino,

    the german roleplay community has succesfully gathered and voted for the

    12 questions that they are interested the most. Thank you again for giving

    us this wonderful opportunity, we're very thankful for that and appreciate all

    the work you and your team is doing. Special thanks also to Bobby Stein for

    helping us out.

    In case people aren't familiar with the term "roleplay", I'd like to give a brief

    introduction about that term: Roleplaying in Guild Wars 2 means taking on the role

    of a character and acting it out in-game through text chat and emotes. Telling

    stories - big and small. Roleplaying has similarities to improv theater, with the

    participants acting out characters in unscripted situations. Underlying this social

    play style is the perspective players have on their characters, as fully-fledged

    fictional beings that are more than just avatars of themselves. The character's

    personality, goals, morals, and quirks may resemble that of the player or be

    completely different. As roleplayers, we're preeeeeetty serious when it comes to

    topics like lore, immersion ... and fashion wars! These help us feel more connected

    to our characters and the world that they live in. The characters we portray are

    most often made to fit the story of Guild Wars and the world of Tyria, thus we are

    keenly interested in all the little bits and snippets, that tell us more about the

    world. And it's from this perspective that we ask the following questions:

    Preface from BOBBY: The answers below were given in the spirit of empowering

    our passionate role-playing community to act out their commander in the ways

    they see fit while providing enough guidelines for flexibility. In many cases, we

    confirm what we can based on what’s already in the game, but more often than

    not we’re simply providing food for thought about cases in which we haven’t

    addressed something through story or lore content expressed by events or

    inhabitants within the game world.

    The reasons for this are simple: we typically can’t/won’t comment on anything

    that’s not already expressed in the game, as we may plan on addressing it via

    future update. It’s also possible that we purposely left something open for

    interpretation, as the mystery allows for exciting theories to manifest. With that in

    mind…spoilers ahead.

    1. Does the Mist War function like some kind of fractal where 'alternate versions' (or

    'echoes') of real Tyrians fight against each other or are most or all participants real

    people who fight and die for their worlds?

    BOBBY: Tyrians understand the Mist War as a constant battle at the shallowest edge

    of the Mists, meaning it’s the easiest realm to access through ordinary portals. Since

    it’s a case of corporeal beings traveling to a spiritual realm, most who travel there

    don’t experience permanence. For example, if they “die” at the Edge of the Mists,

    they can be revived at little risk to their Tyrian form. Also of note: the Mists are

    vaguely understood, so Tyrian concepts of existence and chronology don’t

    necessarily apply there.

    So, while the Mist War (a.k.a. World vs. World) may physically resemble Tyria, the

    same rules of life and death don’t strictly apply there, which allows adventurers to

    travel there, fight their wars, and return relatively unharmed (physically, at least).

    There’s no avoiding the mental and emotional tolls of war. Ankka showed us as

    much in End of Dragons—experiencing traumatic events while in the Mists can

    numb or otherwise change you in profound ways the longer you're there.

    In other words, WvW locations such as the Edge of the Mists are not fractals.

    They’re merely battlegrounds that have different rules than you’d find in the

    physical realm, that are usually populated by “war tourists” from Tyria. What

    happens deeper in the Mists is anyone’s guess.

    2. What are the goals of the Tyrian orders (Durmand Priory, the Vigil, Order of Whispers)

    now that threat posed by the Elder Dragons is gone?

    BOBBY: It’s probably safe to assume that the orders have refocused their efforts

    elsewhere in the absence of draconic threat: the collection and interpretation of

    knowledge (Durmand Priory), military operations against new or existing threats

    (Vigil), and intelligence gathering and subterfuge (Order of Whispers). Possibly for

    hire, but mostly for their own gains.

    INDIGO: Exactly as Bobby said, but I also imagine all of these groups are trying to

    figure out what the world looks like without the threat of the Elder Dragons looming

    on the horizon. Especially after the initial events of Secrets of the Obscure, the world

    needs to recalibrate a bit (and also needs to react to the fact that we just suffered a

    demon invasion, of sorts—I expect that, even though the Astral Ward tried to keep

    things under wraps, the rest of the world was bound to notice that something was


    I also fully expect that the Order of Whispers is going to have a field day with our

    secretive, wizardly organization. I’d love to see that confrontation.

    3. In Amnytas we meet the sylvari 'Ithil', former member of the Nightmare Court. How did

    he achieve to break free from the Court and what obstacles did he have to overcome?

    INDIGO: One of my favorite things about working on the various Astral Ward

    members was figuring out their backstories—given that this organization has

    individuals from across Tyria, there was a plethora of opportunities to show differing

    perspectives and worldviews. While they have like goals now, that wasn’t always the


    When I was writing on the Strength of the Unseen collection and exploring the

    various characters whose lives were impacted by Mabon, I was drawn to flawed

    individuals with complicated backstories. Ithil was one of them (Callon, as well).

    When she woke up from her dream and didn’t find the answers that she needed,

    she turned toward a darker path—but not necessarily because she was a nefarious

    figure from birth. The Grove and the Pale Tree simply couldn’t help her in the way

    that she needed, so she joined the Nightmare Court (she probably thought that this

    was her only option; she didn’t have enough exposure to the world yet). She was

    lured by promises and whispers that there were other answers out there, and not

    ones “manufactured” by their “mother.”

    Ithil learned very quickly that she’d been impulsive in joining the court and that her

    entourage was quite villainous. But it also wasn’t something she could walk away

    from immediately, so she went along with them for as long as she could stomach

    (probably out of curiosity too; she may not have liked their actions but did

    appreciate their search for answers that weren’t simply given by the Pale Tree).

    While she hasn’t shared the circumstances of her departure, it was not a kind one.

    Most importantly, it gave her and Mabon common ground. Our mursaat wizard

    came from similar origins—origins that were even more paved in blood and

    torment. But he grew and learned from those experiences and sought to use that

    growth to help others who may be astray. Individuals like Ithil and Callon, both

    having complicated and tragic personal histories. They needed him the most—they

    were individuals that needed to be shown that, often, you can choose a different

    path. Mabon got to Ithil when she needed that voice the most, and even after his

    passing, she’ll likely carry those values with her.

    4. Is the Horn of Maguuma - by virtue of its position high above the clouds - closer to the

    mists than the rest of Tyria?

    BOBBY: It’s not closer to the Mists due to its altitude, but more because the

    metaphysical barrier that separates the Mists from physical Tyria had been breached

    via portals. Bastion of the Penitent, for example, is located in the Woodland

    Cascades north of Kryta. It’s essentially below ground yet just as close to the Mists

    as the Horn of Maguuma due to the barrier between realms being compromised or

    otherwise weakened.

    5. What are the challenges the charr of the Black Citadel face today, now that various

    threats (Kralkatorrik, Flame Legion, civil war etc.) have been dealt with?

    BOBBY: It helps to look at the end of the Icebrood Saga for a hint at what’s likely

    going on in charr politics. The Flame Legion are earning the trust of fellow legions

    and slowly reintegrating back into society. With the legions reunited but still marred

    by the discontent that was sowed in the Icebrood Saga, some are calling for the

    instatement of a second Khan-Ur. What about the demon threat? Have Kryptis

    knocked on the door of the charr home city? Have old grudges or habits returned

    now that their society is free from the Elder Dragons?

    6. How did Deimos come to rule the Bastion of the Penitent? Did he conquer it, was it

    given to him, did he claim it once the Mursaat were already gone or did it happen some

    other way?

    BOBBY: The facts are murky, but we know several things. Deimos latched on to Saul’s

    guilt, which bound him to the bastion and allowed him to travel between Nayos and

    Tyria. Was it part of Saul’s punishment, or simply a possession of convenience?

    We know that Isgarren built the bastions, but that this one—the Bastion of the

    Penitent—was abandoned by the wizards and then commandeered by Tyrian

    mursaat. It was eventually converted into a prison. Its foundation was built upon by

    the incarcerated, who with their hands created the abomination we know today. They

    placed political prisoners there for “reeducation” to break their spirits and make them

    fall in line. So, while it’s unclear why, exactly, Deimos chose Saul as his host, it was

    likely an opportunity between parties with mutual or overlapping interests.

    INDIGO: As a small addition to Bobby’s observations, Deimos came to Tyria with a

    mission: to help find ways for Eparch and the Kryptis to breach the Veil (which is what

    the Kryptis call the ethereal wall between the various realms of the Mists, including

    Tyria and Nayos). Some secrets may have yet to be told, but Eparch has looked to

    some very…nefarious tactics to find his way back to Isgarren, even before the events

    of Secrets of the Obscure. Saul just happened to be the perfect vessel for one of these

    splinter attacks, although Deimos’s gluttony for suffering would prove dire.

    7. There are many benevolent ghosts all across Cantha. Why haven't these ghosts moved

    on to the Underworld and what does it take to become such a good-natured kind of


    BOBBY: Spirits of the departed (usually but not always human) will normally be

    transported to the Underworld in the Mists upon death. But if their death was

    traumatic or their life was unfulfilled or unresolved, they could end up in one of at

    least two places: the Domain of the Lost (where we saw the commander go after an

    untimely and violent death at the hands of Balthazar in Path of Fire) or “chained” to

    a location on Tyria, such as we saw with the Bloodstone-freed ghosts of Spirit Vale in

    the Forsaken Thicket.

    It’s safe to say that the benevolent ghosts you see around Tyria—those who weren’t

    murdered or whose lives weren’t taken prematurely by circumstance—may be

    bound to the people they love, the land they own, or some other attachment like

    unfinished business or a renewed mission. Perhaps they don’t know the way to the

    Mists or refuse to go due to personal reasons. I don’t believe there’s a single reason

    that can be applied to all ghosts who remain, other than to say they are compelled

    to stay either to complete an unresolved mission or task, or they’re so emotionally

    bound or otherwise tethered or chained that they can’t or don’t want to move on.

    Or that something is keeping them here against their will.

    8. We have seen multiple times how Kryptis possession affects the possessed Tyrians, but

    how does the possessing Kryptis experience the process?

    BOBBY: I believe we’ve gotten a glimpse of this from how the Kryptis talk about the

    sensations they experience when tracking a Tyrian host. They can smell emotions

    like fear, confidence, joy, and sorrow. They can get glimpses of memories but might

    not understand how they fit together or what they ultimately mean.

    Kryptis don’t think and feel the same way as Tyrians, so when they make their first

    possession, they don’t know how to process it. Higher Kryptis such as Cerus, Peitha,

    and Deimos had possessed many Tyrians by the time the wayfinder/commander

    encountered them, thus their inquisitive observations.

    INDIGO: It’s a lot like watching a movie with a flimsy blindfold and sound-canceling

    headphones. While they’re possessing a host, they can see glimpses of that

    individual’s history—blurry scenes, potent memories—and the longer they’re with

    that host, the clearer those images get. They’ve also got some pretty fantastic noses,

    like Bobby alluded to. Not only can they smell emotion, but they can smell certain

    experiences. A trip to the Underworld probably leaves an ethereal stench; they can

    smell that (just as Cerus was able to paint a pretty elaborate image of the

    commander during their first meeting).

    9. How does the Durmand Priory raise funds for its continued operation? Are its members

    paid (and if so, paid well)?

    BOBBY: I don’t believe the Priory discloses their financials, so we can only guess. If

    they’re run like many educational institutions, it’s possible that they are funded by

    generous donors (who likely want a say in what the Priory is researching—possibly

    for their own means), sale of whatever artifacts they find that they don’t need for

    their archive, publication and sale of their research materials, and consultation fees

    should a government or private army want access to their library.

    Is that funding passed down to the folks doing the work? Not sure. It’s possible that

    more experienced or higher-ranking Priory members might have access to funds to

    secure themselves finer lodging while out on assignment, or better meals, or

    sturdier equipment. But they may not be paid directly as you or I might be through a

    job. I often think of the Priory almost as a religious order or private educational

    institution rather than something funded by public taxation. But since we haven’t

    delved into this in the game proper, I can’t say definitively if the field scholars are

    paid a salary, or just given a stipend to cover any amenities or supplies not taken

    care of by the Priory itself.

    10. How is the education system structured in the different human societies (Lion's Arch,

    Kryta, Elona, Cantha)? Is there compulsory education/schooling, how common are

    private schools, military academies and private tutors and is there even accessible public

    education everywhere?

    BOBBY: We know from history that during Joko’s 200-year reign in Elona, he

    essentially rewrote history to indoctrinate citizens to view him as a benevolent

    leader (at the cost of giving their lives to him in life and death). In Path of Fire we

    visited modern Vehtendi Academy and witnessed this firsthand. This is just one

    example of formalized schooling in a single region of a single country.

    When you travel around Tyria, from Central to Cantha to Elona, you may witness

    students studying (or talking about their studies outside of class). In order to remain

    competitive on the world stage and stay relevant, human societies undoubtedly

    have educational systems in place, but they vary from place to place. In some cases,

    formal schooling is unfortunately a luxury of the wealthy. In other cases, local

    government or communities will institute and fund their own version. Suffice to say,

    humans embrace a variety of educational structures and there isn’t a single one that

    encompasses every society.

    11. How has the Ritualist profession evolved over the last 250 years? Do they still use ashes,

    can they still enchant weapons and armor or has the profession moved away from these

    practices? Do they have some new spells at their disposal?

    BOBBY: This question is better answered by a skills and balance person, especially

    since players don’t have access to a proper ritualist profession or elite specialization

    in GW2. I wouldn’t want to speculate too much about that since we haven’t

    explored it meaningfully in GW2 as of yet, and speculating here wouldn’t accomplish

    anything of value. Feel free to roleplay as you wish!

    12. What happens to a Sylvari in the Underworld? Do they move on to the Dream of Dreams

    (can they maybe even be reborn from there?), do they move on to an afterlife specific

    to their race or is this dependend on the beliefs they held in life?

    BOBBY: Interesting question. In the Departing story chapter in Path of Fire (where

    the commander descends into the Domain of the Lost—a section of the Underworld

    where spirits who met traumatic ends go to find their purpose), sylvari players—like

    all playable species in Guild Wars 2—end up here. Each society has its own specific

    view of the afterlife, as informed by thousands of years of belief systems (religious

    and scientific) and analysis.

    The truth is, we don’t really know if they have their neat, separate little corners of

    the afterlife by choice or by cosmic engineering. Or if they all meet the same fate but

    call it different things. We do know that the Underworld is in the Mists, which is not

    only where human spirits have been but other species as well. My gut says that the

    fate that awaits all living beings happens in the Mists, but perhaps their own

    concepts can form pockets or realms where they congregate out of comfort or


    It would be interesting for folks to explore those types of questions in the future, but

    for now we can only guess.

    We wish you a wonderful start into the new week!

    - Fabijan Forster, administrator for the german roleplay community

    Link zum Interview

  • Danke für das Teilen! Tolle Arbeit von dir und auch bei den Antworten sieht man zumindest das Engagement!

    Erst eine blöde Frage: Wieso als "Bilder"? Das war letztes Mal ja auch schon so, das "Abfotografieren" eines Word-Dokuments (mit den Rechtschreibkringeln) wirkt ziemlich... seltsam. Wäre es als pdf nicht sinniger? (Und einfacher zu zitieren für die Zukunft. :winking_face:)

    Zu den Fragen: Schade, einmal mehr, naja, mäßig informativ. Sie scheinen ihre eigene Lore teilweise nicht mehr zu kennen (Albtraum-Sylvari; WvW-Fraktale), viele Fragen wiederholen nur oder weichen explizit aus (Schulsystem Krytas...). Aber immerhin zwei, drei interessante neue Andeutungen, die wirklich Mehrwert haben (Abtei-Finanzierung: man kann also als Abteiler Geld für Beratungen verlangen; das mit den Geistern, die auch positiv an Orte / Personen gebunden werden können). :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

    Das mindert die Mühe aber natürlich nicht! :smiling_face:

  • Also ich bin sehr zufrieden mit den Antworten! Gerade die Antwort auf die WvW-Frage finde ich besonders interessant. Schön, dass du dir die Mühe gemacht hast! Da sind viele tolle, interessante Dinge dabei, und wir haben, finde ich, weitaus mehr bekommen als beim letzten Mal :3

    Wieso sollte ich die Maske abnehmen? Ich habe nichts zu verbergen. Nichts, das unter die Maske passen würde. - Ensia Aurelia

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